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'I don't know what happened' |
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a lot of shaking going on |
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alex and ron on ann's bridge |
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ATV shelter @ Giavanno Lake |
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blossoms time at Fiddlehead |
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Bomb Squad style picnic table |
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Bruce housekeeping at Sliammon... |
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bulls herding up about to loose... |
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canoe portage wind damage |
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creek from alfred glacier |
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Darrel's bike above Haslam Lake |
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elk bums @Larsens Landing |
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finishing off Fiddlehead Farm |
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fishing dock Littlehorseshoe |
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Freda from Blue Ridge Trail |
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Freda Mt from the Blue Ridge |
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Good Hope from Mt Troubridge |
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Gord and Don creating sawdust |
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got to come back when the snow... |
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Harvester in need of repairs |
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Head of Haslam from East Haslam... |
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horselake portage after storm of... |
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Horseshoe Lake from Mt Troubridge |
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horseshoe river at lois lake |
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how many newfies does it take to... |
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if you know this flower add a comment |
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Jim looking from top of Mahoney |
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joe cutting main log in jam |
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Khartoum Lake from Mt Troubridge |
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logging the community forest |
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looking down Haslam from the head |
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looking south from Alaska Pine |
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looking towards 2nd narrows Powell... |
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mike john jay cutting portage |
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Mike M photo Mt Alfred winter damage |
Mike M photo...what are you girls... |
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nature reclaiming old truck |